Rollerskating Like it's 1995

We both remember those days, back in middle school when we weren't too cool yet to do something like visit a roller rink until our knees were swollen and our legs felt like noodles. The smell of leather, burning rubber and popcorn. The sounds of laughter, bodies hitting the floor and your favorite jam (and least favorite=Hokey Pokey). When our friends found a rink with an adult skate time we jumped at the opportunity to escape to this fun time from our childhood years.Sometimes, as adults, we take ourselves too seriously. It's nice to let loose and remember the wild abandon of racing in a circle on red wheels with music blaring and neon lights flashing. We've read it over and over again- children simply laugh more. If only we could remember to look at the world like a child with wonder, excitement and joy it's possible we'd all be a little happier. So let's make a promise to our inner child that we will let him or her out to play more often, smile fully, laugh a lot, and enjoy the fun things that come our way (or seek them out!).Have a FUN day you inner rollerskating champ you. ~Erik & Marissa2014-03-04_0072014-03-04_008Lacing up...2014-03-04_006Marissa's triumphant-I-made-it-around-without-falling-face.2014-03-04_0112014-03-04_0102014-03-04_0122014-03-04_013Tricks.2014-03-04_0142014-03-04_0152014-03-04_017Returning our skates at the end of the night was sad because it was seriously so much fun, but our ankles and knees were certainly happy for a rest. Until next time!2014-03-04_009


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