Warren Family | Saint Edward State Park

Year 2 with these three was action packed! Such a blast exploring a new place, we'd never visited Saint Edward State Park, and chasing after two year old Carter. Toddlers are busy and we definitely wanted the photos to reflect that! Also, the sweetest quiet moment at the end happened in the woods when she just needed to recharge in mama's arms with dad cuddled close.Thank you Warren Family! I look forward to our sessions every year, you all are so loving and sweet together. ~MarissaCiccarelliPhotography_4175CiccarelliPhotography_4176CiccarelliPhotography_4177CiccarelliPhotography_4178CiccarelliPhotography_4179CiccarelliPhotography_4180CiccarelliPhotography_4181CiccarelliPhotography_4182CiccarelliPhotography_4183CiccarelliPhotography_4184CiccarelliPhotography_4185CiccarelliPhotography_4186CiccarelliPhotography_4187


Leyna & Joey | Backyard Elopement


Hall Family | Heritage Park