Exciting Announcement...Round 2!
Oh boy...or girl, we are so thrilled to announce that our little family will be growing early 2018! Bryce is super pumped (although he doesn't know it yet) to train another member of our photography team. We have no idea what we're in for with two little tykes, but we're certainly excited to find out!How Bryce probably really feels about all this...Certainly the parents of 1+ kiddos out there can attest to the fact that having your first baby is this tremendous occasion. We felt everything from pure joy to extreme anxiety, not knowing what to expect. This pregnancy has been a totally different experience. There's the fact that we're chasing around a toddler and have less time to think about the new little baby we're growing (honestly we haven't even talked about names yet!). We're still pretty tired, haha, since Bryce isn't the worlds best sleeper (wasn't that supposed to end after the newborn stage?!?) so we don't have too much extra brain power to even worry about the things we worried about when we were first pregnant. There's also this calm that you at least half know what you're getting into. Of course every pregnancy, birth and baby is different so we're not super confident we know what's going to happen, but we've at least been there before so there are fewer questions at the doctor's office, no hospital visit, less frantic google searches about pregnancy symptoms (seriously every symptom is normal or at least has been felt before by some pregnant woman out there, even when it doesn't seem to be normal).Although our baby story didn't begin how we'd planned yet again (does it ever?), we know how many people struggle with infertility problems and we feel lucky to be bringing another being into the world.Some interesting things we've noticed with round #2 that we thought we'd share...How does this pregnancy compare? It's 100% completely different. I expected to know how my body would handle a pregnancy, but whoa was I incorrect! Everything I remember from round 1 hasn't happened this time and many symptoms I read about and felt lucky I never felt are here this round.How did you find out? We were actually trying to plan around wedding season as crazy as that sounds! We didn't want to be giving birth during someone's wedding so we were trying for a winter baby and found out with a test in June that we'd finally become pregnant.Was it a surprise? Nope, we had been planning on giving Bryce a sibling and feel so lucky that we were able to!Will you find out the sex? Yes, we'll know this September so just a month to go until we know! This will help us actually start thinking of names once we know 50% of them are out.How do you feel? Much better now that we're in the second trimester! Way less tired and sick (oh first trimester you were no fun).Any weird cravings? Last time it was tomato soup and peanut butter, but this time I could eat a carb for every meal if I wasn't so worried about losing all the weight after baby's arrival!We are so happy to begin another adventure together, as parents of two and are so thankful to all of you who have supported us with congratulations, advice, and love. ~Erik & MarissaBryce is practicing being a big brother already (and Erik trained him to say "big brother" if you ever ask him, it's pretty cute!) carrying around his baby, taking him for walks in the stroller and playing hi some guitar music.