Charlotte & Grey | Golden Gardens
Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways. These two just happened to both be living in NYC, Colorado and Seattle (and it's certainly possible they'd bumped into one another on a subway car or passing by along a busy sidewalk), but it wasn't until the internet's algorithm put these two on a first date that they finally met on new year's day in Seattle.Charlotte thought it was cute how he smiled crookedly and Gray initially thought she was a "NYC Ice Queen" but that first date lasted 5 hours while they laughed and chatted away so we think it was definitely meant to be! The road may have felt long, but they obviously met at the perfect time in their lives since now they are planning a celebration to be together forever.Thanks for a super fun, chill evening at the beach (albeit a tad cool:). You two are hilarious together, which will make for such a fun wedding soon! ~Erik & Marissa