Natural Reflectors Part 3 : Buildings
Ditch that flash and bulky reflector, but still shoot like a pro using natural reflectors this holiday weekend! Part 3 shows how we use the surrounding buildings to get great light for our subjects.If lugging around a reflector, like the one below, is not for you and you take photos in neighborhoods or urban areas...this is the perfect tip for you!In our neighborhood there are a lot of bright, painted houses that reflect the sun in a perfect way. Another example is downtown or at Pike Place Market when the sun is setting, hitting the glass buildings and reflecting beautiful light.How to: place your back to the building or house that's doing all the reflecting and put your subject in front of you so all that lovely light hits their face (like below).
The photo below on the left shows Erik without much reflective light, just standing in our driveway. The photo bottom right shows Erik in front of a yellow house with lots of light bouncing into his face just like a reflector would. Added bonus - he has reflective light in his eyes from the sun bouncing off the house!
Catch up if you missed Part 1 or Part 2. Have a great long weekend and take some amazing photos! ~Erik & Marissa