DIY X-mas Light Pictures
It's that time of year! Lights are up everywhere so let's take advantage of using them for some pretty, bright photos. Rip a few strands down (grandma won't mind as long as you send her the pictures) and get ready for some fun!All you need...a few light strands and a camera. 2 ways you can use them in a PROP or a BACKDROP.As a prop use it as a light source for some drama or ball of light (right)......or use them to wrap up your loved one (left)...or to give you a pop of light (right).
In our home studio a few friends got curious so they became our models. Here's Erik trying to convince Kiki it would be a great photo if she was wrapped in lights. Since that didn't go so well...
...we decided to hang the lights instead, place our models in front, and use the lights as a backdrop instead of a prop.If you're getting technical:1. Photo on the left - A wider image means we've backed up to fit all of our model Carlos. This way shows more of the light strands and the lights are smaller (so you'll need to use more).2. Photo on the right - A close up allows you to get rid of the strands, but it also accentuates the lights so that you get pretty, bright dots (or boca) in the background...our preference.
Try hanging lights from a tree branch, tape them to your wall, or have someone hold them for a moment. The more lights the better. (We used one strand, but recommend at least 2 strands.) This is an easy way to capture baby's first Christmas pictures, your pup, or even a selfie.Quick tips for the look above: Try not to put your subject right up against the lights or background, but several feet away for a prettier look. Do this near a window during daylight for best results.Got a professional camera? Drop your aperture down to 2.2 or below for more boca, like the picture above on the right.Have fun and happy holidays! ~Erik & Marissa