Playing Catch Up | The Ciccarellis

It's been a little crazy over here at the Ciccarelli household. We've been blessed to find a ton of clients that we love and have been photographing their weddings like crazy the last few months! Our last summer wedding of the season was last Saturday so now we head into editing, album designs, and getting everyone their photos asap!

That being said we wanted to catch you up on everything else that's been happening (since we've been slacking in the blogging side of things recently). Summers always seem to be jam packed and filled with fun times so here's an Instagram photo documentary of what's been going on with us...

 We moved apartments and built corn hole boards (and Marissa learned how to play).

We attended one game of each sport (it was also our first Seahawks game ever).

Our travels took us to Chicago to see our dear friends Mandy & Tim get married and also to Ohio to photograph Ivy & Michael's nuptials.

We squeezed in a few workshops...our motto is to always be learning & growing so we try to live by that! We believe if you're not interested in growing anymore than you should be doing something else. Bonus, we met some pretty amazing people and 4 of our photography idols.

A spontaneous, 3 hour drive (both ways), adventure landed us at The Gorge to see The Dave Mathews Band, which has been on Erik's bucket list since high school so well worth the drive to check that one off!

And even though we feel lucky that our business has taken off here in Seattle and we're super busy, we still live by the rule that you need time for yourself. We try to take 1 day each week to go to Golden Gardens or have a family movie night or get dinner with friends. It's been an incredible summer and since Sunday was officially the first day of fall we reluctantly say goodbye to summer. Of course fall is our absolute favorite season so... bring it on!

Thanks for catching up with us! ~Erik & Marissa


Fall Mini Sessions are Here!


Meghan & Luke - Wedding | Tacoma Yacht Club