Avery - Sweetness

Last Friday we had a girls day! I (Marissa) was lucky enough to meet Avery for the first time, proud first child of Danielle. The three of us got to spend the morning together finding the best light inside (it was freezing outside) and making Avery happy, swaddled, and full. One of the cool things about Danielle is that she is actually really into photography so we were able to work together and I talked through some of my techniques and settings. We chatted away about equipment and why I was doing what I was doing while photographing Avery. It was super fun working and teaching at the same time! This may have given me a new idea...anyway, we had a blast and totally wore Avery out! She fell asleep as I was walking out the door, completely exhausted. Avery (almost a carbon copy of her mom) truly is sweetness.

I had to put one of these in, loving how squishy babies faces are when they cry!

Until next time sweet Avery!


Michaela & Tom - Engaged! | Seattle Pier 57


2012 Ciccarelli Favorites - Couples Edition